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Try Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge for fun Scratch Project!

Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge

Platform: Scratch
Level: beginner

This project features a hilly bridge that the bike must cross to explore the desert landscape. As the player presses the right arrow key, the bike moves forward, and the tyres change costumes to simulate rolling. The bridge has ups and downs, so the bike’s speed increases as it goes downhill, and sound effects of wind rushing past enhance the experience. Students will practice using repeat loops to create continuous movement while ensuring the bike does not fall off the bridge.

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Backdrop And Sprite Images For The Project

1024 x 1024
1024 x 1024
1024 x 1024
1024 x 1024

Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge: Solution Outline

These are the high level steps to create this project. Try to create the project on your own first as much as possible, before checking the detailed solution samples below.

  1. Create the hilly bridge backdrop and add the bike characters.
  2. Program the bike to move forward when the right arrow key is pressed.
  3. Animate the tyres to simulate rolling.
  4. Adjust the bike's speed on hills.
  5. Add sound effects for a more immersive experience.

Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge Sample Solutions

This section provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to build the project. There are many ways to create a project, so feel free to explore different approaches. Please note that these instructions are Al-generated, so errors may occur and the coding blocks may not map to Scratch exactly. But it should serve as very valuable references. Stay attentive as you follow along, and enjoy!

Create the hilly bridge backdrop and add the bike characters.

Start by selecting or creating a backdrop that resembles a hilly bridge. You can use Scratch's built-in backdrops or draw your own. Then, add three sprites: BIKE BODY, FRONT TYRE, and BACK TYRE. Position them so that they form a complete bike, with the tyres aligned with the bike body.

Program the bike to move forward when the right arrow key is pressed.

Use the 'when right arrow key pressed' block to start the movement. Inside this block, use a 'repeat until' loop to move the bike forward. The loop should contain 'move 10 steps' and 'change x by 10' blocks to simulate the bike moving across the bridge. Adjust the steps to fit the scale of your backdrop.

Animate the tyres to simulate rolling.

For both the FRONT TYRE and BACK TYRE sprites, use a 'switch costume' block to change their appearance, simulating rolling. Use a 'next costume' block inside a 'forever' loop to continuously change the tyre's appearance as the bike moves.

Adjust the bike's speed on hills.

Use 'if' statements to check the bike's position on the bridge. If the bike is on a downhill slope, increase its speed by changing the number of steps it moves forward. Use 'change x by' blocks to adjust speed based on the bike's y-position or a specific backdrop feature.

Add sound effects for a more immersive experience.

Include sound effects to enhance the adventure. Use the 'play sound until done' block to add wind sounds when the bike is moving. You can find suitable sounds in the Scratch library or upload your own.

Common Potential Issues in Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge Project

It is common to have bugs in the code. Here are some of issues you might run into.

  • Ensure the bike's tyres are aligned with the bike body to avoid a disjointed appearance.
  • Check that the bike does not move off the screen by setting boundaries using 'if' conditions.
  • Make sure the sound effects are not too loud or repetitive, which can be distracting.

Extra Challenges For Safari Adventure on the Hilly Bridge

  • Add a feature where the bike can jump over obstacles by pressing the space bar.
  • Create a scoring system that increases points as the bike travels further across the bridge.

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