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Try Arctic Snowball Dodge for fun Scratch Project!

Arctic Snowball Dodge

Platform: Scratch
Level: intermediate

In this game, one player controls a penguin, moving left and right to dodge snowballs thrown by two cloned opponents. The player uses the arrow keys to move while the opponents will automatically shoot snowballs at random intervals, with the player scoring points for every time they successfully dodge a snowball.

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Backdrop And Sprite Images For The Project

1024 x 1024
1024 x 1024

Arctic Snowball Dodge: Solution Outline

These are the high level steps to create this project. Try to create the project on your own first as much as possible, before checking the detailed solution samples below.

  1. Create the penguin sprite and set up its movement.
  2. Create the opponent sprite and set up snowball cloning.
  3. Set up scoring and dodging detection.
  4. Handle game over scenario.
  5. Add visual and sound effects.

Arctic Snowball Dodge Sample Solutions

This section provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to build the project. There are many ways to create a project, so feel free to explore different approaches. Please note that these instructions are Al-generated, so occasional errors may occur. Stay attentive as you follow along, and enjoy!

Create the penguin sprite and set up its movement.

Start by creating or selecting a penguin sprite. Use the 'when green flag clicked' block to initialize the penguin's position at the bottom center of the stage. Use the 'forever' loop with 'if' statements to check for left and right arrow key presses, moving the penguin left or right accordingly.

Create the opponent sprite and set up snowball cloning.

Create a new sprite for the opponent. Use the 'when green flag clicked' block to hide the opponent sprite and set up a 'forever' loop that waits a random amount of time before creating a clone of itself. Use the 'when I start as a clone' block to make the clone visible and set its position at the top of the stage, then move it downward.

Set up scoring and dodging detection.

Create a variable called 'Score'. Initialize it to 0 when the green flag is clicked. Use a 'forever' loop to check if a snowball clone touches the penguin. If it does, broadcast a 'game over' message. If a snowball reaches the bottom without touching the penguin, increase the score by 1 and delete the clone.

Handle game over scenario.

Use the 'when I receive [game over]' block to stop all scripts, effectively ending the game. You can also add a message or sound to indicate the game is over.

Add visual and sound effects.

Enhance the game by adding background music and sound effects for when the penguin dodges a snowball or when the game is over. Use the 'play sound' block in appropriate places in your scripts.

Common Potential Issues in Arctic Snowball Dodge Project

It is common to have bugs in the code. Here are some of issues you might run into.

  • Ensure the penguin sprite does not move off the screen by adding boundary checks in the movement script.
  • Make sure the snowball clones are deleted properly to prevent memory issues or slowdowns.
  • Check that the score only increases when a snowball is successfully dodged and not when it touches the penguin.

Extra Challenges For Arctic Snowball Dodge

  • Add a second opponent that throws snowballs at a different speed or interval.
  • Introduce power-ups that the penguin can collect to temporarily slow down snowballs or make the penguin invincible.

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